Hybrid Contact Lenses

Hybrid Contact Lenses

Hybrid Contact Lenses

Hybrid Contact Lenses

Hybrid contact lenses are a combination of both soft and rigid materials, giving patients the opportunity to enjoy the best parts of both designs. The middle part of hybrid lens is made from a gas-permeable material that lets oxygen pass through to the eyes. However, the gas-permeable part of the lens is more rigid, and this firmer center gives the lens greater stability and the patient enhanced clarity, whether it be a single vision lens or a multifocal lens. The RGP portion of the lens also helps to trap a tear film between the cornea and the lens so that the eye remains hydrated. Meanwhile, the outer edge of hybrid lens is a soft lens skirt. This means that patients don’t have to deal with the hard edges associated with RGP lenses that may be uncomfortable. Instead, the comfort levels that patients experience are more like wearing soft lenses.

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